Just hear it (and say) about million times: "Today is the first day of my new life". No, I would not claim this today, I will rather change it a little bit, to sound like this: "Today is the first day of my new experience." Oh yes it`s an Android day.
As it is clear from this little intro in beginning, I have today begin my journey for new knowledge, knowledge about mobile application programing. Long time ago I was playing with idea to begin with programming on mobile platform, especially iPhone. But let`s ask ourself, who wont think about it? While watching this "one day millionaire" stories, and how people get rich just by developing simple application on iPhone.
But the problem was ... a lot of things. First of all (and at all) you need MacBook 1500 €, next you need iPhone 400 €, because motion control could not be tested on emulator, and last is SDK $100. Summed up it is about 2000 € and this if too much for just only try and idea. Also when I was speaking to people, who take this way, they were complaining about Apple and their policies. Long time before accepting application, problems with micro-transactions and demo applications a so much others. Honestly, now I don`t know, if Google and android has not similar problems, but at least, you can develop applications on windows and SDK is free.
Now let`s go to the point. How I have begin. At first, I have found nice collection of video tutorials here. I will follow them and write additional text to every one tutorial. At first, you need to download Java JDK, Android SDK and if you have some nice environment, then I recommend Eclipse, be sure to download Eclipse for Java Developers (not Java EE). I have also found some useful books about Android development, but about them and installation and preparations for first project we will talk later.
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